Saint Gregory's
Ladies Society
2020 Officers
Chairman: Danielle Shapazian
Vice Chairman: Charlotte Arakelian
Recording Secretary: Gayane Korkmazian
Corresponding Secretary: Astine Zadourian
Treasurer: Janice Hendrix
Parliamentarian: Nancy Thompson
Advisor: Christine Sahatdjian
Advisor: Lydia Topoozian
Delegate: Roberta Hagopian
Delegate: Nancy Thompson
St. Gregory's Ladies Society was founded in 1949 by Rose Kandarian, Edna Ahronian, and Nan Mirigian. This organization flourished with members that were dedicated to aiding different aspects of the church such as the church choir, sunday school, and maintenance of Markarian Hall. For now over 7 decades, the women of St. Gregory Fowler have served their church collectively, faithfully, and spiritually.
St. Gregory Fowler Ladies Society 50th Anniversary
December 5, 1999
As the Ladies Society of St. Gregory the Illuminator, our objective is to study, practice, and to propagate the teachings of the Holly Scriptures, the doctrines, and rites of the Armenian church. It is our duty to educate others about the history, traditions, and customs of the Armenian church and its people. We are dedicated to cultivate Christian virtues of mutual love of cooperation toward one another and toward other organizations within the parish.