The Sunday School emphasizes Bible study for older students and Bible-based stories for the younger children, Armenian Church traditions and culture, and applying God's love in our lives and spreading it to the world around us.
In 1915, five years after the establishment of the St. Gregory Armenian Apostolic Church of Fowler, a group of firls from the church got together and organized a Girls' Church Aid Society. Their first project was to establish the Sunday School, which was accomplished that same year.
In 1932, the Sunday School was once again sponsored and directed by a young group, the St. Gregorian Club. During the years, 1932-1940, the number of students varied according to economic and social conditions.
The Sunday School has many ongoing projects each year. Early in the Fall, a back-to-school fellowship is held for our church congregation. Additionally, the Sunday School usually provides at least one other fellowship sometime during the school year. A Christmas program and dinner is provided every year prior to the "Armenian Christmas" ibservance of Dec. 25.
Every school year concludes with a graduation/promotion ceremony. Attendance awards are presented to deserving students, and 12th grade graduates are recognized. An end of the year party is held, and the entire congregation participates.